These last few days I’ve been attending a Christian writing conference called the Declare conference. This year the theme was Get Your Hopes Up.
Where do I even begin? I am undone. Overwhelmed. Inspired. But most of all I am hopeful about the future of the writing journey the Lord has me on. Honestly, I am still trying to process everything I have heard.
I will tell you whether I traditionally publish or self publish a book in 2020 or in the years to come. This one thing I know—it’s going to happen, I just don’t know when. The Lord has definitely planted the seed of writing in my heart but, like Nika Maples said, “Satan has also planted a weed.” Satan will do everything in his power to lie and discourage me from ever writing a book.
I remember coming home last year after this conference feeling inadequate and very insecure yet empowered in a sense, knowing I have a message about the Lord that could uplift and inspire others. I remember writing a blog post about my time there and ending with, “So I’m going to start writing a book proposal.” You know how Satan can twist the words you say or type. Well, he twisted my own words on me, saying, “So the girl who can’t talk is going to start writing a book proposal, are you? Are you sure you have what it takes?” It didn’t take long to lose my confidence in myself.
After a few months I started believing those lies and became busy with the God’s Glory Box order. I remember I didn’t blog in December 2018 or January of this year because I was “too busy with other things.” Every time I would try to write about some aspect of my life I would breakdown crying uncontrollably. But as I sit here typing this and reflecting back on writing the 14 blog posts I’ve written this year, I can see now that 2019 has been a year for me to grow in my writing and spiritual life. I don’t know what 2020 holds. But I definitely have my hopes up!
I don’t know what has transpired in your life the past week, month or year, but I would love to hear about it and pray for you and your situation. Please feel free to contact me on instagram @abidingwithjoy or on Facebook. You can either shoot me an email or direct message me.
How are you getting your hopes up?